01/29/2014 05:54PM ● By Acl
34 free throws attributed to Unionville's success.
01/21/2014 02:31PM ● By Acl
Although Oxford emerged as the eventual winner, Unionville allowed only 6 points from the opposing team in the first quarter.
01/15/2014 08:05AM ● By Acl
Parsons, Ligda, and Colagreco led in points for Avon Grove.
01/07/2014 06:01PM ● By Acl
Seniors Mahmud, Clarke, Jordan Logan and Dylan Dunn helped lead Oxford to a victorious game.
01/07/2014 05:07PM ● By Acl
DeVoe, Armitage, and Hussey were stars in the game against Oxford.
12/26/2013 10:04AM ● By Acl
With 27 points scored in the third quarter and 23 points in the fourth, Oxford emerged victorious.
12/18/2013 11:01AM ● By Acl
Unionville girls basketball gete victory over Oxford in 37-30 game.
10/23/2013 02:17PM ● By Acl
Register for junior basketball league
10/16/2013 02:30PM ● By Acl
06/19/2013 02:49PM ● By Acl
Avon Grove High School Senior to play basketball at Eastern University.