04/26/2022 02:33PM ● By Richard Gaw
Residents who live near one easement argue that proposed trail will infringe on their privacy and lead to safety issues
03/29/2022 03:23PM ● By Richard Gaw
The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County and the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance expected to finalize merger in April
02/10/2021 11:24AM ● By Richard Gaw
Gift will be directed toward maintaining preserve trails, creating additional trail signage, upgrading maps and improving parking at preserves
04/02/2014 10:36AM ● By Acl
The camps are open to all children from 8-18 years of age.
03/05/2014 02:29PM ● By Acl
Repealed Ordinance 190 "allowed the township to create its own municipal lands trust known as The Kennett Land Conservancy."
02/26/2014 01:14PM ● By Acl
Chandler Mill Road Bridge tops list
01/21/2014 01:42PM ● By Acl
One would allow the township to create its own municipal lands trust and known as The Kennett Land Conservancy has never been acted upon.
09/18/2013 01:21PM ● By Acl
TLC's Hootenanny Hoedown features a 5k, barbecue, and live music.
09/04/2013 12:52PM ● By Acl
5k, barbecue, and live music are included in the day's festivities.