12/11/2024 05:02PM ● By Chris Barber
John Baker, a Penn Township Zoning Board member, was unanimously selected to fill the vacant seat on the township’s Board of Supervisors.
03/24/2015 01:06PM ● By J. Chambless
Building will be partially demolished to cure traffic snarls at intersection
06/11/2014 01:07PM ● By Acl
Penn Township Board approves Giant’s Conditional Use Application
05/14/2014 01:25PM ● By Acl
Curtis Mason announces that the township is seeking a grant to make improvements to the intersection of Route 796 and Baltimore Pike.
04/08/2014 05:28PM ● By Acl
The two hottest topics are the Sunnyside Road Bridge and the township's sewer system.
02/19/2014 05:37PM ● By Acl
Bill Finnen has been serving on the Penn Township Board of Supervisors since 1980.
02/19/2014 03:45PM ● By Acl
Finnen receives commendation for 53 years of service to Penn Twp.
01/28/2014 07:17PM ● By Acl
Ken Bryson has always called Penn Township "home".
12/18/2013 10:15AM ● By Acl
For the 17th year in a row, Penn Township budget won't include a tax increase.
11/13/2013 02:35PM ● By Acl
Board of Supervisors wants to have input regarding storage of mushroom substrate