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Chester County Press

Baker selected to fill vacancy on Penn Township Board of Supervisors

12/11/2024 05:02PM ● By Chris Barber

By Chris Barber
Contributing Writer

John Baker, a Penn Township Zoning Board member, was unanimously selected to fill the vacant seat on the township’s Board of Supervisors.

The vacancy was created by the resignation of Laura Sperratore.

The supervisors held a short recognition ceremony at the Dec. 3 meeting, praising Sperratore for her support of important township projects, including the Medic 94 paramedic building, the creation of a sports park, and numerous environmental and road projects.

She submitted her letter of resignation at the November meeting, and it was accepted at the December meeting. Her term was due to expire at the end of 2025.

State Rep. John Lawrence, R-13, of West Grove, was on hand to read a letter of congratulations to Sperratore for her achievements and service.

The remaining supervisors presented her with flowers and other gifts.

Baker, 73, who was at the meeting, has lived in the township for about 20 years. He has been vocal in his reports on zoning matters and had to resign from that position upon his selection as a supervisor. He will serve until the end of 2025, filling out the term.

In other business, the supervisors unanimously approved cutting down the large walnut tree on East Ewing Road.

According to Township Manager Karen Versuk, “The tree is dead [per an arborist] and has split dramatically in just a few short months since summer.”
She said the property owner and the township officials have been keeping an eye on it. A crane will be required to help with the operation, which will occur on Jan. 8.