01/13/2015 12:27PM ● By J. Chambless
A girl who sent text messages to a friend saying that she wanted to die sparked an investigation that led to the arrest.
08/19/2014 04:19PM ● By Acl
Local police are looking for the suspect in a bank robbery that took place in Kennett Square on August 15.
02/25/2014 04:14PM ● By Acl
Loan will go towards new police cars, new utility trailer, a software update and other items crucial to the township.
01/28/2014 07:32PM ● By Acl
Needs assessment would assist the New Garden Police in finding a department home.
11/27/2013 10:53AM ● By Acl
Fransisco Marin-Cruz chased another car at high speeds while intoxicated.