07/23/2013 03:28PM ● By Acl
Guidelines dropped for the use of political signage throughout Kennett Township.
07/17/2013 09:57AM ● By Acl
July 15 Township meetings announced ordinance.
07/03/2013 01:28PM ● By Acl
Target shooting angers residents of Kennett Township.
07/03/2013 12:14PM ● By Acl
Kennett Twp. supervisors need to act on residents' concerns about firearms.
05/30/2013 12:59AM ● By Brian O
On the evening of May 20, at the Kennett Township Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Scudder G. Stevens read from a prepared statement, and by way of verbal slings and arrows, with one scorched earth, broad cloth indictment, tossed the collective governance of the township under the bus.