06/25/2014 09:34AM ● By Acl
Police Blotter: Two lawns in East Nottingham Township were turfed by a car and more for the week of June 25, 2014.
06/04/2014 11:23AM ● By Acl
Police Blotter: $600 stolen from an apartment in Kennett Square and more for the week of June 4, 2014.
05/07/2014 02:59PM ● By Acl
Police Blotter: Landenberg man arrested for stalking and more for the week of May 7, 2014.
04/02/2014 10:46AM ● By Acl
Police Blotter: Threat with a firearm at Landhope and more for the week of April 2, 2014.
01/21/2014 02:48PM ● By Acl
Police Blotter: Cash stolen from home and more for the week of January 22, 2014.