01/02/2025 01:03PM ● By Chris Barber
Passersby on Center Street in Kennett Square could not help being struck by the appearance of a large tree spread out and showing its roots at the Magnolia Street corner.
05/08/2024 06:47PM
Affordable housing and trojan horses: Beware of developers bearing ‘solutions’
05/02/2024 12:06PM
Rotary Club of Kennett Square announces second annual Kennett on Top fundraiser
04/17/2024 10:03AM ● By Richard Gaw
Served as speakeasy-style destination for live music and conversation since 2015
09/01/2023 02:17PM
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania heralds itself as the Mushroom Capital of the World, and in fact, nearly two-thirds of all fresh mushroom production happens in and directly around the unique and vibrant small town.
09/01/2023 02:10PM
Check here for a list of events at the 2023 Mushroom Festival
08/29/2023 02:04PM ● By Richard Gaw
‘The shining light of what is yet to come’
08/20/2023 10:35AM ● By Haleigh Abbott
As part of the Kennett Greenway, the new pump track park will be a great spot for cyclists of all ages.
08/15/2023 01:54PM ● By Richard Gaw
'I strongly think that we owe the folks in the borough who can least afford to live here the opportunity to take a look at how we can help affordability in the borough'
08/15/2023 01:42PM ● By Caroline Roosevelt
'I don’t think everyone who works here realizes that our regular customers are invested in our lives and supporting us'