Oxford Borough Council approves 2025 budget with small tax increase
01/02/2025 01:47PM ● By Betsy Brewer BrantnerContributing Writer
Oxford Borough Council elected to increase the borough's real estate tax by 0.13 mills to increase funding provided to the Oxford Library and Oxford Area Recreation Authority for 2025.
The decision to raise the tax rate for 2025 was part of Oxford Borough Council’s year-end work that was discussed at meetings in December. Oxford Borough Council adopted the 2025 general fund budget, a water fund budget, and approved a tax levy ordinance.
After the 0 .13 increase in the tax rate, Oxford Borough’s millage rate stands at 13.66 mills for borough residents.
Council member Peggy Ann Russell, who chairs the Finance Committee, clarified at the meeting that this slight increase might not be enough to fully fund the increases in expenditures that are expected in 2025. The borough could still be looking at a deficit of as much as $246,488, but the expectation is that a combination of increased revenues and savings on expenditures will be more than enough to offset all of the budgeted expenses.
Borough manager Pauline Garcia-Allen reported that it is important for residents to schedule the free installation of a new water meter. Appointments to do so will run through mid-January. In December of 2023, Oxford was awarded a $600,000 grant through the PA H2O Program to support an upgrade to the borough’s water meters, so residents are encouraged to schedule appointments to get the new, more accurate meters.
The Zoning Hearing Board Application for 232 S. 5th Street was briefly discussed by council and then deferred to the Zoning Hearing Board.
Borough council held a hearing to adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 26, Water, Section 266-103, Rates, Charges, Billing and Liens, of the Borough of Oxford for water rate changes effective for July 1, 2025, and January 1, 2026.
Council also approved a resolution setting the fee schedule for a variety of permits and inspections that the borough handles.
Oxford Borough Council approved the memorandum of agreement with the Oxford Borough non-uniform union.
Council also approved the Delaware Environmental Construction Services Pay Application No. 2 in the amount of $69,505.72 and Change Order No. 1 decreasing the overall contract amount by $22,823 for the Hodgson and Eighth streets repaving project.
Council also ratified a letter of support for the grant application submitted by 33-35 South Third Street, LLC to the PA Mixed-Use Housing Development Pilot Program to support the proposed King’s Cross Development on the site that was destroyed by the large fire in downtown Oxford in September of 2023.
Council also approved a request for a letter of Support for the designation of Big Elk Creek State Park as a nature preserve.
The first Oxford Borough Council meeting of 2025 will be held at 6 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2025 at the Borough Hall. The full schedule of council and committee meetings for 2025 will be on the agenda that evening for approval.