Community of Love Lutheran Church opens Share The Love Family Boutique
09/04/2024 12:06PM ● By Betsy Brewer Brantner
By Betsy Brewer Brantner
Contributing Writer
Twenty-five years ago, Community of Love Lutheran Church was established as a mission plant by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). In September of 2023, Sarajean Grainson was called to be the Vicar. Commissioned as a Mission developer in March of 2023, Grainson and the congregation are in the process of mission replanting. They are a small congregation with active members who are striving to provide impactful service to the community.
The community they serve is the greater Oxford area, which has a diverse population including young couples and families, a sizable senior citizen population, and migrant workers with their extended families. Many people in the community relied on local thrift shops. Sadly, this area doesn’t have a thrift shop in the borough anymore.
Following a significant fire in downtown Oxford last September, Community Of Love joined the Oxford community effort to assist those who lost everything. They were determined to continue to do what they can do to provide for the community. It became apparent that there was a great need for warm coats and clothing, not only for the Oxford population, but also for other local municipalities.
Grainson contacted churches in Oxford and the surrounding communities to help collect enough coats for the Share the Warmth coat distribution. In November of last year, they distributed approximately 375 new and gently used coats along with new hats and gloves. By the end of 2023, they had given out well over 500 coats.
For years, Community of Love has held a biannual clothing ministry event to provide garments to people with clothing insecurity. It became evident that this was insufficient and that they needed to do more. So the congregation is now announcing their newly formed Mission—the Share the Love Family Boutique. The Boutique is located at the Community of Love Lutheran Church at 117 North East 4th St. in Oxford.
The Boutique symbolizes hope and a brighter future for those affected by clothing insecurity, however it is not just a place to provide clothing, but also a beacon of optimism and dignity for the community. The mission is to distribute clothing in a boutique setting, giving the guests a shopping experience.
Gently used clothing is sorted and cleaned. New items are also received. Monetary donations are used to purchase intimate garments such as underwear and socks. All items are provided free of charge to guests. The shoppers will be referred by non-profits, churches, schools, and service agencies by appointment only, to insure the privacy and dignity of each of the guests. The hope is that this mission will be sustained by grants, contributions, and the tireless work of many volunteers. The church is grateful to the ecumenical partners who continue to collect clothing and volunteer their time and talents.
Community Of Love would like to thank the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA for the financial support and confidence in this mission. They would also like to thank participating partners, including Church of the Sacred Heart, the Christian Life Center, in New London Township, St. Michael Lutheran Church in Unionville, St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church
Messiah Lutheran Church in Downingtown, the Unionville Presbyterian Church, the Advent Lutheran Church in West Chester, the Nottingham Presbyterian Church, and Thrivent Financial.
If you are someone you know would like to contribute or would like more information, please call Vicar Sarajean Grainson, lead Minister, at 610-998-0282.