Riderless horse at Wreaths Across America ceremony in Oxford
12/20/2023 09:15AM ● By Betsy Brewer BrantnerOn Saturday, Dec. 16, a riderless horse, with the backward facing boots in the stirrups, was a striking image against the backdrop of the Oxford Cemetery, as this year’s Wreaths Across America Ceremony got underway in Oxford.
Oxford honors its veterans every day with banners displayed throughout the borough so, it is no surprise that the borough has stepped up the last five years to bring Wreaths Across American to the Oxford Cemetery.
Clarissa Sherrow has been the force behind the Oxford effort. For her, it is a labor of love, but make no mistake, extensive planning is done to pull this ceremony off. She really works year round, planning fundraising events, enlisting people to sponsor a wreath, lining up volunteers, and inviting speakers and local dignitaries to participate in the ceremony.
The focus of Wreaths Across America is to:
- Remember the fallen.
- Honor those who serve.
- Teach the next generation the value of freedom.
Hundreds stopped by the cemetery on Saturday to be a part of the event. Family members and friends anxiously waited to lay a wreath on the grave of a loved one. Stories of loved ones were repeated to children, grandchildren and friends.
Those who lay wreaths spoke the name of the veteran out loud, while placing the wreath.
“We want to ensure that, no matter how or where they served, all veterans are remembered and the stories live on,” Sherrow said.
Plans are already under way for the Wreaths Across America ceremony in Oxford in 2024.