Cpl. Joseph F. Greenwalt to Receive Officer of the Year Award for 2014
03/09/2015 05:15PM ● By Kevin
New Garden Township will hold its annual awards ceremony on Monday, March 16 at 7 p.m. at the New Garden Township Building, where Cpl. Joseph F. Greenwalt will be announced this year's officer of the year.
The award is known as the Chief Gerald W. Davis Award, named for Davis, who served the community with honor for more than 35 years.
"His positive imprint and dedication to public service can still be felt," a press release by the department recently said.
There will be special recognition during the ceremony for Chief Davis. Greenwalt received the award by exuding the philosophy "Earn your worth..." the release said.
"Simply put, Cpl. Greenwalt leads by example and not by words alone," the release said.
The public is invited to join the celebration, which also will include the DUI Enforcement Award.
"We distinguish this enforcement, because proactive and strict enforcement is in harmony with our duty to protect 'Human Life;' it is our first core value," the release said.
PO Joseph P. Versagli, III receives the award for the third time. PO Matthew R. Jones and Greenwalt receive the award for the second time, and PO Michael P. King and PO Ryan D. Kushner are first-time award winners.
"His positive imprint and dedication to public service can still be felt," a press release by the department recently said.
There will be special recognition during the ceremony for Chief Davis. Greenwalt received the award by exuding the philosophy "Earn your worth..." the release said.
"Simply put, Cpl. Greenwalt leads by example and not by words alone," the release said.
The public is invited to join the celebration, which also will include the DUI Enforcement Award.
"We distinguish this enforcement, because proactive and strict enforcement is in harmony with our duty to protect 'Human Life;' it is our first core value," the release said.
PO Joseph P. Versagli, III receives the award for the third time. PO Matthew R. Jones and Greenwalt receive the award for the second time, and PO Michael P. King and PO Ryan D. Kushner are first-time award winners.