The Joe Pitts Government Shutdown
10/30/2013 05:47AM ● By AclLetter to the Editor:
As a parent, husband, self-employed attorney, former township supervisor and state representative, I watched with dismay as our representative in Congress, Joe Pitts, was the only representative in southeastern Pennsylvania, who supported the recent government shutdown. Whatever you think about the new health care law (ACA or “Obamacare”), shutting down our government and risking damaging our nation’s credit rating, simply because you don’t like a law, sets a very dangerous precedent.
As a democrat who held elected office in a heavily republican region (southern Chester County), I do realize that there are some who support radical tea party-type actions from their elected officials. I must say though, from the 40,000 homes I have visited over the years during my campaigns to talk about issues that matter, the vast majority of folks simply want their elected officials to get along and compromise to get things done. Does this mean that they want you to give up on your principles once you reach office? Of course not. People are just tired of the Senator Ted Cruz ‘my way or the highway’ approach of some radicals in Congress.
Joe Pitts is a good man and a long-time public servant, having spent decades now as a state representative and congressman. Unfortunately, his extreme positions on a multitude of issues like jobs, the environment and women’s health care have been harmful. In voting to shut down the government and risking our nation’s credit rating because he and his other tea party members don’t like a law, he has simply gone too far.
Tom Houghton
London Grove Township