11/11/2024 10:06PM ● By Richard Gaw
'This is not the time to question the intelligence and character of the 73 million people who did not vote for Kamala Harris'
09/04/2024 12:34PM
Discussion Included Actions for Affordable, Equitable, and Accessible Housing
11/22/2023 11:26AM ● By Richard Gaw
Supervisors choose ‘half increase’ option for 2024
10/25/2023 09:26AM
Kayden’s Law unanimously voted out of Senate Judiciary Committee
09/21/2023 11:44AM ● By Haleigh Abbott
Clean 2022 Audit for Kennett Borough, Town Events and Police Staff updates at September’s Borough Council Meeting
08/15/2023 01:54PM ● By Richard Gaw
'I strongly think that we owe the folks in the borough who can least afford to live here the opportunity to take a look at how we can help affordability in the borough'
05/26/2023 11:10AM ● By Randy
On May 24th, the Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce celebrated Coatesville 2nd Century Alliance with the Corporate Citizenship Recognition at the annual Gala on the Greene.
03/28/2023 12:58PM ● By Richard Gaw
'He was cantankerous, impatient, occasionally caustic and a member of the most effective and successful group of supervisors to serve New Garden in recent memory'
03/14/2023 11:17AM ● By Richard Gaw
'Elected officials in Harrisburg may also want to rip another page from McClinton’s playbook and acquire the temerity to get angry in the name of the people they represent'
02/28/2023 11:19AM ● By Richard Gaw
The Pennsylvania Senator is not alone. Two of the greatest saviors our nation has ever known were broken men