Last Updated: 03/22/2017 10:37AM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
03/22/2017 10:37AM ● By J. Chambless
Leon Spencer named Outstanding Citizen of the Year, sewer system options in Oxford, candidates line up for Kennett Borough Council, and more
03/21/2017 12:41PM ● By Richard Gaw
Penn Township taps PA Act 209 to its advantage
03/21/2017 12:40PM ● By Steven Hoffman
A study committee is exploring options for the public sewer system
03/21/2017 12:39PM ● By Steven Hoffman
It will be a chance for Oxford officials to make a presentation to the community, while also answering any questions from residents
03/21/2017 12:37PM ● By Richard Gaw
“Bridging High School to Future" event to be held on March 30 at the Pennock's Bridge campus in West Grove
03/21/2017 12:32PM ● By Richard Gaw
Newark Road and Baltimore Pike will receive a much-needed design and engineering overhaul
03/21/2017 12:28PM ● By Richard Gaw
New Garden Supervisors are encouraged to end negotiations for the township to purchase 178-acre parcel
03/21/2017 10:19AM ● By J. Chambless
Some big-ticket items were quietly and unanimously approved at the March 20 meeting of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board.
03/21/2017 10:14AM ● By J. Chambless
Obituaries for: Waltz, Ward, Moore, Della Valle, Ward, Grant, Jacobs, Ferguson, Tipton, Phillippe, Abernethy, Shatley, Dyer, Paul, Seats
03/20/2017 03:08PM ● By Richard Gaw
Leon Spencer named Chamber's Outstanding Citizen of the Year
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