Last Updated: 02/12/2019 02:42PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
02/12/2019 02:42PM ● By Steven Hoffman
A replacement is expected to be selected at borough council's next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19
02/12/2019 02:40PM ● By Steven Hoffman
The project is expected to be completed by the end of July
02/12/2019 12:45PM ● By Richard Gaw
'I know that we can work together to make a change, and I know that Chester County is ready for a change'
02/12/2019 12:42PM ● By Richard Gaw
'The home is being constructed with all of the bells and whistles of sustainability, green living and airtight efficiency'
02/12/2019 12:38PM ● By Richard Gaw
Will curb parking in neighborhood across from Taqueria Moroleon on 9173 Gap Newport Pike in Avondale
02/12/2019 12:31PM ● By Richard Gaw
Several issues lead to vote to halt concept that would have created an environmentally conscious, 7.5-acre pedestrian village adjacent to Goddard Park
02/12/2019 10:23AM ● By Richard Gaw
'...We feel it is appropriate to recognize the contributions made by our public works departments, our road masters and our maintenance crews...'
02/12/2019 09:33AM ● By J. Chambless
The bridge has been deemed failing, and could be almost 100 years old
02/12/2019 09:30AM ● By J. Chambless
The township’s Open Space, Recreation and Environmental Resources Plan was last updated in 1993
02/11/2019 12:28PM ● By J. Chambless
Obituaries for: Hoover, Danielson, Burgess, Osborne, Finnen, Welch, Pierce, Shiplet, Newill, Carstens, Teeter
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