Last Updated: 04/26/2016 12:58PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
04/26/2016 12:58PM ● By Steven Hoffman
Grant Talley doesn't remember a time when he didn't want to be a pilot. His love of aviation has enabled him to earn a private pilot's license before he even graduates from high school...
04/26/2016 12:29PM ● By Steven Hoffman
Council member Paul Matthews said that the borough needs to look for a more professional meeting space with adequate seats for the public to come to meetings
04/26/2016 12:26PM ● By Steven Hoffman
Longtime Kennett Square public servant is moving outside district
04/26/2016 12:23PM ● By Richard Gaw
' seems everyone in Oxford is looking for somebody else to pick up the green rather than the traditional American way of the community pitching in...'
04/26/2016 12:06PM ● By Richard Gaw
New race director talks about the Party in the Park, and activities for the entire community at annual May 14 event in Kennett Square
04/26/2016 12:02PM ● By Richard Gaw
As the merger of the New Garden Township and West Grove Borough police units moves forward, a recent presentation spelled out the details
04/26/2016 11:57AM ● By Richard Gaw
The footprint left by George A. "Frolic" Weymouth on Chester County will be felt for many generations to come
04/26/2016 09:40AM ● By J. Chambless
Obituaries for: Moore, Smith, DePippo
04/25/2016 11:26AM ● By J. Chambless
The Red Streams Blue program is part of an emphasis on environmental stewardship at the school
04/25/2016 11:25AM ● By J. Chambless
The revision caps 13 years of arguments between the local mushroom company and the township
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