Last Updated: 11/08/2016 12:36PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
11/08/2016 12:36PM ● By Richard Gaw
Indians finish season with a 7-4 overall record, a perfect 6-0 record in conference play, and its second consecutive Ches Mont American championship
11/08/2016 12:27PM ● By Richard Gaw
Criminal trial set for Nov. 14 in Chester County Court of Common Pleas
11/08/2016 12:26PM ● By Richard Gaw
'The recent 2016 election is, by a wide margin, the worst example of free and open elections since I began voting'
11/07/2016 03:43PM ● By J. Chambless
Obituaries for: Fecondo, Di Fabio, Woodford, Torello, Yakscoe, Mullins, Sarlo, O'Connell, Vines, Kaschalk, Kennedy, Wilson, May
11/04/2016 02:20PM ● By J. Chambless
Kennett Square Senior Center hosts annual luncheon
11/03/2016 10:57AM ● By J. Chambless
'Rural Modern' continues at the Brandywine River Museum of Art
11/01/2016 04:12PM ● By Steven Hoffman
On Nov. 8, residents in the 13th Legislative District will decide whether three-term Republican incumbent John Lawrence returns to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the next two years, or whether they vote instead for Democratic nominee Nancy Dean, a retired teacher and clergy who is seeking office for the first time. In advance of the election, the Chester County Press asked each candidate about their professional experiences, some of the more pressing issues the state is facing, and what residents in the 13th Legislative District have identified as their top concerns moving forward. The 13th Legislative District includes most of the municipalities in Southern Chester County as well as two municipalities in neighboring Lancaster County
11/01/2016 01:23PM ● By Richard Gaw
Two candidates deserve to represent southern Chester County in Harrisburg
11/01/2016 01:19PM ● By Richard Gaw
Geiss-to-Hubley combination connects for three TDs
11/01/2016 01:14PM ● By Richard Gaw
In light of a conflicted base, and with a presidential election looming, the numbers show a shift in allegiances
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