Last Updated: 03/05/2014 02:05PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
03/05/2014 02:05PM ● By Acl
Editorial for the week of March 5, 2014.
03/05/2014 01:47PM ● By Acl
Correction for the February 26, 2014 paper.
03/05/2014 01:35PM ● By Acl
OAHS's new club hosts a monthly meal for anyone in need of a free meal for themselves and their family.
03/05/2014 01:28PM ● By Acl
Also discussed at the meeting was the dismantled gun found in the school gym.
03/05/2014 01:15PM ● By Acl
Future Aviators Camp exposes campers aged 5 to 15 to the wonders of flight.
03/05/2014 01:12PM ● By Acl
The lab teaches Pennsylvania's number one industry in a fun and hands-on way.
02/26/2014 02:38PM ● By Acl
Also discussed at the meeting was a vote on reducing the amount of credit given to students who use the Learning Support Resource Room at Unionville High School
02/26/2014 02:26PM ● By Acl
The Golden Bears need approximately $10,000 to purchase 100 uniforms.
02/26/2014 01:42PM ● By Acl
To make up for the lost days, two additional days will be added on to the school year and spring break will be reduced.
02/26/2014 01:10PM ● By Acl
Julia Baumel is a senior at Kennett High School and will continue rowing at Harvard University.
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