Last Updated: 03/19/2014 04:16PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
03/19/2014 04:16PM ● By Acl
Included in bullying prevention is Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, revision of harassment policies, and anti-bullying websites.
03/19/2014 04:03PM ● By Acl
Inadequate and unpredictable state funding are major issues for many districts
03/19/2014 04:00PM ● By Acl
Penn’s Grove Middle School Students of the Month for January.
03/19/2014 03:50PM ● By Acl
Meeting will take place at Penn London Elementary School.
03/19/2014 03:41PM ● By Acl
Parents want the way children's weight, height, and BMI are identified and addressed.
03/19/2014 03:04PM ● By Acl
Several learning management systems are available to the district.
03/19/2014 01:36PM ● By Acl
“Sport of the Arts” show features 36 indoor percussion ensembles.
03/19/2014 01:21PM ● By Acl
35 sixth and seventh graders rehearsed for three months to prepare for the show.
03/19/2014 01:16PM ● By Acl
All four schools in the district had proficient test scores.
03/19/2014 01:09PM ● By Acl
As the school grows, the parking lot is not large enough to accommodate the 1,800 students and faculty.
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