Last Updated: 12/07/2022 10:14AM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
12/07/2022 10:14AM ● By Richard Gaw
'In the five years of Krasner’s tenure, the City of Philadelphia has been on trial for its failure to chase down and apprehend these runaway statistics'
11/22/2022 04:12PM ● By Richard Gaw
'No American elected official ...should reject any proposed legislation designed to provide assistance to our veteran community'
10/25/2022 11:45AM ● By Richard Gaw
'For the next week or so, our heart – and likely yours – will be transfixed on an unlikely team that has far exceeded our greatest expectations'
10/11/2022 03:14PM ● By Richard Gaw
...Political signs are the worst of our autumnal crops, but there they are, an invasive roadside species, repetitive in their messaging...
09/27/2022 11:59AM ● By Richard Gaw
'People want to save money and enjoy their lives, not spend their life savings on the water bill'
09/13/2022 02:55PM ● By Richard Gaw
We are, however, overabundant with compassion for others...
08/30/2022 02:57PM ● By Richard Gaw
A candidate who may or may not live in Pennsylvania goes shopping for vegetables and takes home a gift basket of faux pas
08/16/2022 03:45PM ● By Richard Gaw
While the right of free speech may be igniting the rise of hate groups throughout Pennsylvania, decency is also protected by the First Amendment
08/02/2022 12:32PM ● By Richard Gaw
...the actions [Thompson] took between July 20 and July 23 represent a glaring hypocrisy and the latest hard scab of inequality that continues to stultify our nation’s progress
07/19/2022 12:54PM ● By Richard Gaw
...the unbreakable evidence of a campaign that has already raised nearly $16 million toward its $21 million goal
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