Last Updated: 12/01/2020 01:24PM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
12/01/2020 01:24PM ● By Steven Hoffman
She announces district office details as second term in the Pa. State House begins....
11/25/2020 10:20AM ● By Richard Gaw
Budget features a projected $6.1 million in revenue, $5.6 million in operating expenses and $500,000 in transfers to capital
11/25/2020 10:10AM ● By Richard Gaw
Contracts with the West Grove Fire Company; will not renew with Avondale Fire Department
11/25/2020 10:00AM ● By Richard Gaw
'We will assemble again this Thursday with every one the scars and the remnants we have all endured'
11/18/2020 12:42PM ● By Richard Gaw
Holiday campaign to promote local businesses
11/18/2020 12:34PM ● By Richard Gaw
Four-year negotiation may be finalized on Dec. 21
11/17/2020 12:24PM ● By Steven Hoffman
East Nottingham supervisors considered lowering the tax, but residents wanted to continue to fund the open space program in the township
11/11/2020 10:25AM ● By Richard Gaw
On way to presidential election, Biden defeated Trump by a vote of 179,065 to 126,844 in Chester County
11/11/2020 10:20AM ● By Richard Gaw
this is the fifth time the township has submitted an application for grant funding for planned project
11/11/2020 10:16AM ● By Richard Gaw
'For four consecutive days and nights, thousands of volunteers...whose families all worried for their safety, quietly continued to count the votes until all of them were counted'
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