01/08/2025 11:12AM ● By Richard Gaw
New Garden Township Supervisor Ted Gallivan will assume the duties as board chairman for the five-member group in 2025, it was announced at the supervisors’ meeting on Jan. 6.
09/18/2024 06:45PM ● By Richard Gaw
New Garden places 7.8-acre Landenberg property on its project list
08/22/2023 03:44PM ● By Richard Gaw
It is intended to stabilizing stream banks, prevent erosion, and filter nutrients and other pollution from upstream runoff
01/10/2023 10:40AM ● By Richard Gaw
Brodowski will serve as vice chairperson
12/20/2022 03:50PM ● By Richard Gaw
Motion to pursue mitigation relief for Aqua ratepayers falls in 3-2 vote
12/07/2022 10:53AM ● By Richard Gaw
Ratepayers criticize supervisors for Nov. 21 public meeting with Aqua
10/27/2021 09:39AM ● By Richard Gaw
Loftus seeks second term as supervisor
09/21/2021 03:32PM ● By Richard Gaw
If Aqua gets approval, residential water and sewer bills would rise significantly for customers in township
03/16/2021 04:44PM ● By Richard Gaw
'The future of New Garden Township is just beginning, but it rests entirely in the hands of its leaders'
05/20/2014 06:00PM ● By Acl
The base sewer rate will increase by 9.5%.