04/02/2014 09:41AM ● By Acl
A question of beliefs and benefits
01/28/2014 06:44PM ● By Acl
The last day to enroll for health insurance without a penalty is March 31, 2014.
11/13/2013 02:45PM ● By Acl
Why did Pitts and Tea Party Republicans really shut down the government?
10/23/2013 02:38PM ● By Acl
Joe Pitts cost taxpayers billions
10/09/2013 02:18PM ● By Acl
If Pitts is opposed to affordable health care, why doesn't he give up his own?
08/28/2013 07:17PM ● By Acl
Flaws in the Affordable Care Act could be fixed if Republicans considered common sense reforms
08/27/2013 07:51PM ● By Acl
Support for the Affordable Care Act
08/20/2013 04:26PM ● By Acl
Is Congressman Pitts going to help his constituents or get in the way?
08/15/2013 12:15PM ● By Acl
Affordable Care Act stands in the way of jobs