Middletown Life: Little Miss Peach and Little Sir Peach, 2024 Middletown Peach Festival
Of the many time-honored traditions at the Middletown Peach Festival, perhaps one of the most important is the presence of Little Miss Peach and Little Sir Peach. As they prepare for this year’s festival, Middletown Life recently caught up with Little Miss Peach Ellie Hawkins and Little Sir Peach Nash Hoagland and asked them a few questions.
How old are you?
Nash: I am eight years old.
Ellie: I am six years old.
What town do you live in?
Nash: I live in Middletown.
Ellie: I live in Middletown.
What are your parents’ names?
Nash: My parents are Courtney and Ben.
Ellie: My parents are Lauren and Marshall.
Where do you attend school?
Nash: I attend Lorewood Grove Elementary School.
Ellie: Last year, I went to Brick Mill Early Childhood Center.
What grade will you be entering in the fall?
Nash: I will be entering the third grade at Lorewood Grove Elementary School.
Ellie: In the fall, I will be attending Silver Lake Elementary in the Spanish Immersion Program.
What are your favorite subjects in school?
Nash: Knowledge, which is when we learn about bugs and the war of 1812 and other things. I also like recess, but my mom said that isn’t really a “subject.”
Ellie: My favorite subjects in school are recess, music and physical education.
What are your favorite activities when you are not in school?
Nash: I like to go outside and ride my bike and read books. The last book that I read was Treasure Island and I liked it a lot.
Ellie: I like to go to the pool and the playground.
Are you a member of any teams or organizations?
Nash: Yes, I play baseball for the MOT league. This past season I was on the Phillies.
Ellie: Right now, I am doing CrossFit Kids at CrossFit Petram, and during the school year I like to do gymnastics at Tumble Kids.
What is your favorite movie or TV show?
Nash: This is a hard one. My favorite movies are Home Alone I and Home Alone II. I can’t pick a TV show, I like a lot of them.
Ellie: My favorite TV show is “Bluey.”
What is your favorite type of food to eat?
Nash: My favorite food is homemade pizza!
Ellie: My favorite food is meatloaf.
What is your favorite restaurant in the Middletown/Odessa/Townsend area?
Nash: Sushi Yama. I LOVE their chicken because it comes with a lemon I can squeeze onto it. They also have cool sodas.
Ellie: My favorite restaurant is Taco Reho.
What is your favorite place to visit in the Middletown/Odessa/Townsend area?
Nash: The Everett Theatre. My Mom and Dad take us there sometimes and I like to watch their plays and movies.
Ellie: I love to go to Twisted for frozen yogurt and all the toppings!
What are you looking forward to most at this year’s Middletown Peach Festival, besides being Little Sir Peach and Little Miss Peach?
Nash: I can’t wait to get peach ice cream again. That was SO delicious.
Ellie: I usually like getting candy at the parade, but this year I am excited to ride in it.
Have you decided what you would like to do for a living when you get older?
Nash: I would like to become an astronaut or a storm chaser.
Ellie: I want to be a teacher because it sounds fun.
What is your favorite joke or riddle?
Nash: My favorite riddle is this Greek riddle: “What walks on four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at the end of the day? The answer: MEN. In the early morning of your life, you are down on all fours crawling as a baby. In the noon of your life, you are strong and grownup and can walk on two feet. In the end of the day of your life, you are old and bent down, you have a cane plus your two feet, which equals three feet.
Ellie: My favorite jokes are knock-knock jokes. All of them.
If you could meet one person you admire but do not know, who would that person be?
Nash: I would like to meet Bryce Harper. He is a really good baseball player and one time, in a game, he hit a lot of home runs and I think that is so cool!
Ellie: I would like to meet Taylor Swift, because I really want to meet her and know all of her songs.