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Chester County Press

On the wings of history

12/19/2024 04:42PM ● By Richard Gaw
Massey Aerodome [5 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

Photos by Jim Coarse
Text by Richard L. Gaw

For every visitor – no matter the age or the degree of interest in the history of aviation -- the Massey Aerodrome and Air Museum is a living monument to the way things used to be in the world of flying machines, when pilots took to the air to serve their towns and their imagination.

From its start – on a grassy airfield on the eastern shore of Maryland and just a short drive from Cecil County – the concept of what became the Massey Aerodrome transformed from a 3,000-foot runway in 2001 to a non-profit organization dedicated to education and the preservation of grassroots aviation in the U.S. Throughout the year, is home to antique aircraft restoration, annual fly-ins, EAA Young Eagles events, and aviation camaraderie. It features a static DC-3 that visitors can enter, 24 flying airplanes, 13 gliders, intricately designed plane engines, a rotating beacon tower and a 100-year-old working windmill.

From its aircraft to its painstaking commitment to restore and preserve the lost treasures of our history, the Massey Aerodrome and Air Museum is a leap into the past, a history lesson, a living museum, a look back and a squint toward the sky to the small-town airports of the dustbowl Depression and World War II and the flourishing Fifties.

The Massey Aerodrome and Air Museum is located at 33541 Maryland Line Rd., Massey, Maryland 21650.  Museum hours are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays, Fridays and weekends. To learn more, visit, call 410-928-5270 or email [email protected].