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Chester County Press

Oxford students support the police department’s annual toy drive

12/11/2024 03:58PM ● By Betsy Brewer Brantner

By Betsy Brewer Brantner
Contributing Writer

With the holiday season underway, it was only appropriate that the most recent Oxford Borough Council meeting included some good cheer and the spirit of giving.

Oxford Borough Council welcomed student representatives of the Penn’s Grove Middle School Early Act Club. Students presented a check for $318.50 to the Oxford Borough Police Department that can be used toward funding the police department’s annual toy drive.

Oxford officials also reminded the community to enjoy holiday shopping at the businesses in town, and residents and visitors can also enjoy lunch or dinner at one of the fine eateries in the borough.

At the same meeting, Oxford Borough Council considered a series of agreements between the Borough of Oxford and Starr Road Farms, LLC for the dedication of public improvements in the Sycamore Crossing Development. The agreements stipulate the dedication conditions and include the declaration easement agreement for the streetlights in Phases 1, 2 and 4, an access easement agreement for the groundwater well site located in Phase 1, the utility easement agreement, a walking trail easement agreement, and a maintenance agreement. Council then approved hearings to adopt ordinances regarding these corresponding agreements.

Council also approved agreements between the borough and Lancaster Home Builders for the dedication of public improvements in the former Ruth S. Coldiron Subdivision Development. This includes the deed of dedication of water main and stormwater lines and a maintenance agreement. 

Council also approved the Oxford Borough Planning Commission’s recommendation for Preliminary Land Development approval for the Moran Farm Property at 451 W. Locust Street. During the discussion, Locust Street resident Beth Thompson thanked the development for working with the residents. It was also discussed that a proposed tree line could not be placed where they had hoped due to the location of a power line. After the vote  borough council members thanked Enox Developers (Moran Farm) for working with them. 

Council member Peggy Ann Russell said, “Although it may appear that we are nit-picking with our questions, we are protecting our residents.”

During public comment, resident Chauncey Boyd reminded borough officials of the ongoing damage that is being done to his property. He has had to place boulders on his property to keep trucks off it and to prevent trucks from possibly damaging underground utilities.

He also suggested that council should consider posting a “no trucks” sign on Wedgewood Road.

He urged council to contact PECO to remove a tree resting on a power line on the hill coming up Locust Street. He said it caused a power outage.

Russell noted there was also the potential for the tree to fall on cars, which could result in tragedy.

Council also approved the acceptance of the Water Rate Study Final Report, scenario 8, by Keystone Alliance Consulting, Inc. and authorized the advertisement of an ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the borough code which pertains to water rate changes, billing, and liens.

Council approved a five-year winter maintenance agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

There was also a brief discussion of the Road Pavement Analysis completed by Pennoni, the borough’s engineer.

In other business, Hugo Sandoval, a business owner, expressed concern regarding the lighting in the parking garage. His concern was that the lighting didn’t come on quickly after a power outage.

The next Oxford Borough Council meeting will be held on Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Borough Hall.