Kennett will permit cell phones in class
08/21/2024 10:07AM ● By Chris Barber
By Chris Barber
Contributing Writer
The Kennett Consolidated School District Board unanimously approved a policy at the Aug. 12 meeting that would permit students to have cell phones in class in spite of parental comments urging the contrary.
The policy also tasks the teachers with policing phone use in their classrooms to avoid possible disruptions.
Ryan Costa, who identified himself as a parent, said he sent petitions from dozens of parents asking for phone-free classes, independence and free play.
He said he was under the impression that the board would not be voting on the technology policy until the fall, but he became aware the issue was on the August agenda.
The board announced a request in the July meeting for parental comment on the use of electronic devices. However, the Policy Committee presented the question for vote at this August meeting without having reported a meeting or a discussion of public response since then.
Costa quoted the statement in the technology usage policy that states, “The board recognizes that mobile phones and electronic devices are now an integral part of the daily lives and culture of many of the district’s students.”
“Fifty years ago, that’s what they said about smoking,” he said.
He cited statements by the U.S. Surgeon General that, just as cigarettes have health warnings, so should mobile phones in light of the harms that social media can cause.
He added that the district policy states that there are instructional benefits individual technical devices serve.
“I think that is wrong and open to debate,” he said.
He also said he believes it is unfair to place the teachers in positions of policing mobile phone usage. He urged the board not to make a decision until they have researched the effects of social media, read up on the subject, and engaged in discussions with the parents.
District resident Monica Strauser also spoke against the policy earlier in the meeting saying that she is opposed to phones in class because they are disruptive and can lead to social isolation.
For the board members’ part, Jeff McVey said he wanted to make sure that they were discussing phones exclusively when they voted, and not the overall collection of technical communication devices and computers.
Board member Michael Finnegan said he wanted to assure everyone that there would be continued discussion and re-evaluation by December.
In other business: District CFO Mark Tracy presented the results of bidding for the building of new Greenwood Elementary School. He said the bids came in lower than expected.
The district awarded the general construction bid to Boro Construction for $32.2 million, to Tri County Mechanical for mechanical construction for $6.1 million, to Schipsi Electrical for $5.4 million, and Dolan Mechanical for plumbing for $2.8 million.
Education bidding requirements and the recommended lowest responsible bidder have met all of the criteria specified by the district, according to Tracy’s report. The total cost of construction is $46.6 million.
Tracy also reported that the Kennett Square Borough ordinances for the planned high school sign on the front lawn at the corner of Union and South streets had been met. It is moving along, he said, but the process is slow.