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Chester County Press

Big Elk Creek State Park should be more like a preserve

07/17/2024 01:28PM ● By Ciaran Weatherill

Letter to the Editor:

I am a scout from Troop 30. I’m messaging you in pursuit of a merit badge that I am working on. One thing to do to earn a merit badge is to share my opinion on a subject. I chose to give my personal opinion on the subject of the Big Elk Creek State Park.

The opinion that I have of the state park is that we should not put in an RV park as it would produce more pollution, crime and traffic, both inside and around the park. If we keep it the same, we could turn Big Elk Creek State Park into a preserve more like the White Clay Creek Preserve. A preserve would help lower pollution, crime and traffic all around the park. This is why I think Big Elk Creek State Park should not have an RV park and should instead make it a preserve.

Ciaran Weatherill
Troop 30, West Grove