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Chester County Press

DAR honors Penn Township for restoration of the Red Rose Inn

05/15/2024 10:44AM ● By Chris Barber

The Daughters of the American Revolution has honored the Penn Township supervisors for their work leading to the preservation of the historic Red Rose Inn.

The restored building sits at the intersection of Route 796 and Baltimore Pike in Jennersville and holds a history that goes back to the 1700s.

On hand at the May 7 township meeting for the presentation were Phyllis Recca, Kyle Gibson and Michele Thackrah – officers of the DAR.

Recca is chair of the Historic Preservation Committee for the Chester County Chapter; Gibson is the 1st Vice Regent; Michele Thackrah is a historian and soon-to-be Regent.

Penn Township supervisor Jay Ennis accepted the framed certificate on behalf of the township board.

Recca said the chapter each year recognizes an outstanding individual or organization that has successfully and/or admirably restored or saved a historical site. That could include buildings, collections, artifacts, monuments or cemeteries.

The Red Rose Inn has a history that goes back to Pennsylvania founder William Penn in 1742.

According to historical records, Penn deeded 5000 acres at the location to his grandson, William Allen. The deed stated that the lease price was one red rose per year to be paid on June 24 into perpetuity.

This ceremony of the payment has historically been paid at the inn., which was on the property at the time. That is why it became known as the “Red Rose Inn.”

Through the years, the inn became a popular restaurant, bar and center for celebrations and events. When it was abandoned as a public destination, it fell into disrepair.

The township declined to tear it down, however, preferring to restore it and use it as a township-owned building.

Recca said she was proud to have dined and toured it.

“I can attest to the excellent work of all those involved,” she said in a written document presented at the meeting.

The Daughters of the American Resolution – abbreviation DAR – is a membership organization for women whose direct lineage goes back to people who supported or participated in the American Revolution.

It promotes education, historic preservation and patriotism. Its motto is “God, Home and Country,” according to its description on Wikipedia.

In other business, the board held a hearing overseen by municipal planner Sarah Sharp on the progress  of the township’s updated comprehensive plan.

Comprehensive plans are advisory maps for the future growth of a municipality. They are updated every 10 years.

The plan responds to citizen input on various areas of growth including traffic, conservation, housing, population growth and energy use, among others.

Sharp reported that Penn’s plan will be voted on in June.

She solicited comments and received concerns about electrical vehicles.

According to the conversations at the hearing, the plan includes recommendations that the township advocate for the use of electrical vehicles in order to benefit the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels.

Questions were offered for consideration about how stations offering charging for cars would be established and if the increased use of electrical power would put a strain on the township power grid.

The plan also addressed the construction of the new Medic 94 building and considered wording the lease as renewing every 10 years, rather than after 100 years.