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Chester County Press

Warriors on the Water plans May 18 pig roast

Warriors on the Water, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to promoting fun and healing for veterans, first responders and law enforcement through outdoor recreational and fishing therapy, will hold its annual Armed Forces Day Pig Roast on May 18 at the Octoraro Reservoir, 212 Spruce Grove Road in Kirkwood. 

From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., guests of all ages are welcome to attend for free to enjoy a bass pond, humvee rides, live music and a traditional Marine Corps pig roast. Rita’s Water Ice will have their truck on site offering treats for puchase, and Woerth It Hollow will have their rescue horses on site for visiting. Volunteers are also welcome to help set up, break down and support the event throughout the day. Visit for more information.