Cloyd elected president of Oxford Borough Council
01/18/2024 08:08AM ● By Betsy Brewer BrantnerOxford Borough Council held the reorganization meeting on Jan. 2, 2024. Mayor Phil Harris called the meeting to order and then opened the floor for nominations for the position of council president.
Council member Peggy Ann Russell nominated Kathryn Cloyd for president and then the council voted to support Cloyd for that position.
Next, council member William Fitzpatrick was nominated and was elected to the vice president post.
Council member Amanda Birdwell was then nominated and elected president pro tem.
During its first meeting of the year, borough council quickly got to work approving the following resolutions:
- Resolution #1378-2024 appointments of certain borough employees;
- Resolution #1379-2024 appointments of various borough officers and other annual designations;
- Resolution #1380-2023 fee schedule for 2024;
- Authorization to advertise the 2024 meetings.
Oxford Borough Council also gave its approval for a two-year contract agreement with Oxford Borough Manager Pauline Garcia-Allen.
Borough council also reached agreement with Arlene Harrison, Oxford’s assistant borough manager and treasurer, on a two-year contract.
Additionally, borough council approved a new two-year contract with Terri Dugan, the borough’s Codes Official and Zoning Officer.
Council also approved the reappointment of Cloyd to the Oxford Borough Planning Commission for a four-year term from 2024 to 2027 and the reappointment of Geoff Henry to the Civil Service Commission for a six-year term from 2024 to 2029.
Borough council also approved the appointment of Bethany Atkinson as Vacancy Board Chair to a one-year term.
Borough council also approved the escrow release No 3. for the Damico project at 703 Lincoln Street in the amount of $26,930.
The Advisory Committee on Latino Affairs (ACOLA) Exploratory Committee will be held on Jan. 22, at 5:45 p.m.
The next Oxford Borough Council meeting will be held on Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. at the Borough Hall.