Township adopts, approves several actions at Nov. 15 meeting
11/22/2023 11:28AM ● By Richard Gaw
As they prepare to give final approval to the 2024 Kennett Township budget at their Dec. 6 meeting, the township’s Board of Supervisors addressed several township business items at its Nov. 15 meeting.
Among the 15 items listed on the agenda, the board:
- Adopted the amended chapter 199 of the township’s stormwater management ordinance, in accordance with a similar, county-wide “model” ordinance implemented by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP). The updated ordinance complies with the county-wide ordinance that includes more stringent requirements as mandated by the PaDEP. Last updated in 2014, portions of the ordinance were modified in order to make stormwater features less costly while still maintaining high standards for stormwater quality and control;
- Waived two requested subdivision and land development ordinances and one stormwater ordinance related to the proposed construction of the new, 29,527-square-foot building along West Cypress Street in Kennett Square, that will be known as the new Food Distribution and Emergency Assistance Center for Kennett Area Community Service (KACS). As referenced in an Oct. 19 review letter submitted by AECOM that analyzed the land development plan for the project, the township is requesting a waiver to allow that plan to be submitted in its final form, and to address all issues related to stormwater in the Oct. 19 letter;
- Adopted Res. 2023-13 that authorizes the township to execute on behalf of KACS a Statewide Local Share Assessment grant of $400,000 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used in the construction of a tenant space at KACS’ Food Distribution and Emergency Assistance Center;
- Adopted Res. 2023-14 that authorizes the township to execute on behalf of KACS a Statewide Local Share Assessment grant of $300,000 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for the purchase of warehouse equipment for the new KACS facility;
- Adopted Res. 2023-15 that authorizes the township to execute on behalf of KACS a Statewide Local Share Assessment grant of $300,000 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for the installation of solar panels and equipment at the new KACS facility;
- Approved a $30,000 proposal from McMahon Associates and a $61,935 proposal from Unknown Studios to perform professional services during the construction of the Chandler Mill Road Greenway project; and
- Awarded a five-year renewal contract to Brandywine Valley SPCA (BVSPCA), for animal control services in the township that will begin on Jan. 1, 2024. The contract will require the agency to address resident complaints, animal emergencies, strays and abandoned animals, citations and community outreach. The BVSPCA charges an annual fee of $2,000 for the retention of their services with a 4 percent annual increase each year. In addition to the annual fee there will be monthly maintenance, acquisition, activity, and emergency fees for domesticated animals brought in or picked up in the township.
To contact Staff Writer Richard L. Gaw, email [email protected].