Oxford Borough Council member resigns
11/29/2022 12:48AM ● By Steven HoffmanA vacancy will soon open on Oxford Borough Council with council member Mary Laura Buchner-Hulse notifying council of her resignation. Council will move forward on the resignation at the next council meeting scheduled for Dec. 5.
Oxford Borough’s solicitor Stacey Fuller announced that there has been a breakthrough in the discussions regarding Frost Development, the age-restricted community planned for the Moran Farm. A hearing on the conditional use, related to this development, will be held and the actual plan will be coming in front of council with a recommendation from the Planning Commission.
The Frost Development has been on the books for many years, but according to Fuller, “it is now moving forward.”
Borough manager Pauline Garcia-Allen told council that two Requests for Proposals (RFP), one for the active transportation plan and one to develop a five-year strategic plan for finances, have been received and the process for both will start in January. An RFP for an auditor will also be going out for a new firm.
Garcia-Allen emphasized that Kent Morey from SSM is working on a draft for the MS4 Plan. That process will be moving forward in the next year.
She also confirmed that the Streetscapes 4 grant is wrapping up and the final pay application will be coming before council in December.
Oxford Area Historical Association representatives Leda Widdoes, Flossie Prewitt and Linda Hersh came before council to request permission to install a Christmas tree in the Memorial Park. They were granted approval pending the receipt of an insurance certificate.
The formation of a Finance Committee was discussed. The meetings will be advertised per the solicitor’s recommendation.
Police Chief Sam Iaconno made his report to council, confirming that the police department had met with the Oxford School Police and received approval to get county radios which will go on the county channel. This will allow the Oxford Police Department and the Oxford School Police to communicate with each other and the county as needed. The county plans to soon be able to connect with all school districts.
Iacono said, “We will work out the policies. This has been a long-time coming.”
The Oxford Police Accreditation process is now 50 percent completed. Iacono expects the next 25 percent to go smoothly, but said the last 25 percent would be more difficult.
The Oxford Police Department also used the high school for a mandated class in use-of-force training. All officers are now certified.
Iacono told council that the new structure within the Oxford Police Department is working much better.
“Our officers are encouraged to do checks, or contacts, by going out and talking to people. We have more eyes on our troops and more oversight. The new structure is definitely paying off,” he said.
Mayor Phil Harris told council he attended a legislative breakfast at Wycote Golf Club where a lot of attention was focused on a planned mobile mental health unit which will be assisting the police with mental health issues throughout the county.
The Mayor reminded everyone of Small Business Saturday. He also reminded everyone that the Oxford Police Department would be hosting their annual toy drive, and they would also be involved with Wreaths Across America.
He encouraged everyone to support the many non-profits in the Oxford area.
Junior council person Annabelle Bresler reported that the National English Honor Society would be holding a blood drive. She also said that a number of the schools would be holding food drives during the holiday season.
Council also approved the following:
- A hearing and motion to adopt the ordinance amending Chapter 27 Zoning of the Borough Code regarding outdoor cafes and the outdoor display of merchandise.
- A hearing and motion to adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 5, Code Enforcement, of the Borough Code, Part 2, Property Maintenance Code, to adopt the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code; and Amending Chapter 5, Part 3, Resident Standards, to Comport with the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code.
- A motion to authorize advertising the budget notice and schedule adoption of the 2023 budget for Dec. 19.
- A motion to authorize the advertising of an ordinance accepting dedication of the additional public right-of-way by Amos. G. Blank, Rebecca R. Blank, and Daniel L. Blank.
- A motion to authorize advertising of the ordinance amending Chapter 27, Zoning, to add regulations related to age-restricted residential communities and the related ordinance amending Chapter 22, Subdivision and Land Development, and Chapter 27, Zoning, Regarding Street Widths, Sidewalks, Trails, Impact Studies, Lighting, Parking Requirements, Landscaping, Accessory Uses and Common Open Space.
- A motion to approve beginning process with PennDOT to participate in the Big Elk Creek MS4 consortium.
- A motion to adopt resolution 1343 - 2022 implementing Act 57 of 2022 to provide certain property tax penalty waivers.
- A motion to Adopt Resolution 1344 - 2022 amending the fee schedule for the Borough of Oxford instituting a fee for failure to secure the required permit before beginning construction.
- A motion to grant a waiver from Section 21-705(3) regarding minimum driveway flared radius for Sycamore Crossing, Phases 6 & 7, final subdivision plan.
- A motion to grant final plan approval to the Sycamore Crossing, Phases 6 & 7 Final Subdivision Plan, prepared by Towne Square Engineering, dated Aug. 3, 2020, last revised Aug. 30, 2022 for the development of sixty (60) single-family residential lots, subject to the conditions set forth in the Planning Commission’s recommendation of Nov. 14, 2022.
- A motion to ratify approval of a letter in support of the application submitted by the Housing Partnership of Chester County (HPCC) to the PHFA Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund (PHARE) to help fund HPCC’s Conservatorship program. The next Oxford Borough Council meeting will be held on Dec.5 at 7 p.m. in the Borough Hall.