Oxford Borough focuses on its diverse population
07/26/2022 01:49PM ● By Steven HoffmanOxford Borough Council has not wavered from its commitment to focus on and represent the borough’s diverse population. The council continues to explore what would be required to establish an Advisory Council of Latino Affairs (ACOLA).
Latinos make up over 30 percent of the population of the Borough and council members continue to move forward in forming a group where the Latino voice can be heard.
Council member Amanda Woolston said, “We are trying to get representation from the diverse population in Oxford and that includes the Latino population.”
Council has continually emphasized the need for representation from the Latino group. It is hoped that a group will soon be formed and persons from that group can be encouraged to run for borough council seats in the future.
Oxford Borough Council is also discussing the newly designed pedestrian alley that runs between the Octararo Hotel and the Presbyterian Church. There is interest among council members to name that alley. A work group will be formed to gather input from the community and the Oxford Area Historical Association.
The Subdivision And Land Development Ordinance continues to be updated by the Zoning Commission and Planning Commission. Council plans to educate the public further on expected changes during the council meeting in August.
In other business in July, Oxford Borough Council approved the following:
- A motion to approve pay application #4 in the amount of $324,597.75 for the Transit Center Access Improvements Project/Streetscapes I.
- A Special Events Permit Application submitted by Oxford Mainstreet, Inc. for the Re-Connective Festival in August.
- A motion to approve Eagle Contracting & Landscaping, Inc. Change Order #2 resulting in a $5,778 decrease in the contract total and Pay Application #4 (Final) in the amount of $19,205.35 for the 2021 Water Main Replacement Project on Eighth and Hodgson Street.
- A resolution to submit a Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Program Grant Application. The grant will support improvements primarily to Mt. Vernon and Pine Streets, including the construction of several traffic-calming rain garden bump outs, and new curbing, sidewalk and ADA curb cuts, where needed. Speeding is a big concern along both streets. The bump out will help with that and make the area safer for both drivers and pedestrians. The bump outs will also add needed green stormwater infrastructure to help the Borough meet the state’s MS4 requirements and reduce the amount of polluted rainwater that reaches local waterways.
- A motion to authorize advertising of an Ordinance amending the non-uniform employees money purchase pension plan documents regarding required contributions by participants and forfeitures.
- A motion to authorize advertising an ordinance amending the police pension plan document regarding required contributions by participants.
Council did not approve a curb waiver for 618 Hodgson Street. Borough Manager Pauline Garcia-Allen explained that council is working on curbing issues in the borough and will continue to explore the possibility of the borough assuming responsibility for constructing and maintaining curbs. Currently, curbing is the responsibility of property owners. This complicates making improvements for both property owners and the borough, as curbing is such an integral part of the street and stormwater infrastructure. Borough ordinances with respect to curbing cannot be changed until a plan to fund the construction and maintenance of curbs is worked through. The borough will continue to work on funding and amending related ordinances.
Council will also be discussing the expansion of Sunnydell Foods and the increased water that expansion will require.
Garcia-Allen reminded council that a resolution was passed to permit two junior council persons. Anyone interested should contact the Oxford Borough office at 610-932-2500.
Council also discussed the possibility of having a standing work group for public safety. That will be discussed more in the future.
The police department was thanked for the quick response to the recent crime spree on East Mt. Vernon Street.
SLUG: Oxford Borough diverse population