Kennett Township Police officers Wenrich, Juarez receive promotions
07/26/2022 01:37PM ● By Richard GawPhoto by Richard L. Gaw Kennett Township Police Department officers Miguel Juarez, second from left, front row, and Amanda Wenrich, were sworn in as Detective and Corporal, respectively, at ceremonies held on July 20. Pictured with Juarez and Wenrich are Police Chief Matt Gordon, front row, Magisterial District Judge Matthew seavey, Kennett Township Supervisors Richard Leff, Scudder Stevens and Geoffrey Gamble, Police Chaplain Annalie Korengel, and Angie and Matt, the spouses of Juarez and Wenrich.
By Richard L. Gaw
Staff Writer
Kennett Township Police Department officers Amanda Wenrich and Miguel Juarez were formally promoted to new positions at the department, during ceremonies held at the Kennett Township Building on July 20.
Sworn in by Magisterial District Judge Matt Seavey, Wenrich was promoted to the rank of Corporal, and Juarez was promoted to the rank of Detective.
After three years with the Westtown, East Goshen and Parkesburg police departments, Wenrich began her career with the Kennett Township Police in 2015 as a full-time officer with the patrol division. Soon after, she was assigned as a detective in the unit and in 2016, was assigned to a burglary investigation that led to arrest of two co-conspirators.
Wenrich has been trained as a forensic interviewer and has used this skill in child abuse investigations in the township and throughout Chester County, in partnership with the Chester County Detectives Child Abuse Unit. In addition, she is the department’s supervisor for the Municipal Drug Task Force that handles drug investigations within the township and in collaboration with the Chester County Drug and Organized Crime Unit.
She has also completed her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and completed a police supervisor’s certification.
“Amanda’s dedication to duty, her attention to detail and her willingness to learn all facets of law enforcement has resulted in her becoming a very well-rounded and complete police officer,” said Police Chief Matt Gordon. “I believe that the sky is the limit for Corporal Wenrich’s future in law enforcement.”
Juarez joined the township’s police department in 2017 after working as a part-time officer with the Kennett Square Borough Police Department for one year. He joined the department’s patrol division while also assisting Wenrich with investigations – especially those that involved the need for Spanish-English translation – and started in his new role when Wenrich was reassigned to the patrol division.
In addition to his responsibilities at the department, Juarez is a member of the Municipal Task Force and is a trained negotiator for the Chester County Regional Emergency Response Team, and is its only bilingual translator.
“Detective Juarez has shown his dedication to duty and with his hard work, he continues to improve in his role as detective,” Gordon said. “With continued education and experience, I have no doubt that Detective Juarez will continue to flourish in his new role.”
To contact Staff Writer Richard L. Gaw, email [email protected].