Avon Grove School District hosts Empower appreciation breakfast
05/03/2022 09:46AM ● By Steven Hoffman
On April 26, Avon Grove School District’s (AGSD) special education department hosted an appreciation breakfast for supporters of Empower, the District's work-based instruction program for students with special needs. The Empower program helps students transition to adult life by obtaining practical work experience in local businesses. Students “go to work” in the community one to two days a week to learn soft skills that are transferrable from job to job and make connections in the community.
A new program for AGSD this year, the special education department secured partnerships with four local businesses: Acme, Aurora Pizzeria and Pasta Kitchen, Saladworks and Walgreens. Representatives from the district’s community partners were invited to attend the Empower appreciation breakfast.
“We truly appreciate our community partners for taking a risk and supporting our program,” said Christa Schoen, AGSD transition coordinator for the Empower program. “We would also like to thank Cafe Americana for catering the event.”
Currently, eight Avon Grove High School students are participating in Empower. At the breakfast, the students delivered speeches to show their gratitude for the knowledge, skills and experiences they have gained through the program. Many of their parents and job coaches were in attendance, as well as members of the AGSD administration, the Board of School Directors and representatives of the Avon Grove Education Foundation.
The district plans to expand the program to include more students and community partnerships in the 2022-2023 academic year.