New board, award recipients recognized at Chamber event
02/22/2022 03:32PM ● By Richard Gaw
Photo by Richard L. Gaw The Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce awarded Ambassador, Closer and Volunteer awards to five recipients at its annual breakfast meeting on Feb. 17.
By Richard L. Gaw
Staff Writer
Tim Moore, a nuclear engineer with Constellation Energy Corp., became the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce for 2022.
His formal induction took place at the Chamber’s annual meeting breakfast at Hartefeld Country Club on Feb. 17.
Moore, who replaced Betsy Niedziejko of WSFS Bank, said, “that as chamber chairs come and go on an annual basis, we all stand on the shoulders of those who went before us, and Betsy’s got some strong shoulders that I will be standing on, and I hope that I can continue the movement forward of this chamber based on the work that Betsy and others have done.”
In addition to Moore’s new post, the Chamber also elected its officers for 2022: Doug Doerfler of Genesis was named Chairman Elect; Sean Walker of Kuzo Funeral Homes, Inc. will be the Vice Chairman; Paula Paisley of Paisley Solutions will serve as Treasurer; and Melissa Dietrich of Longwood Gardens will serve as Secretary.
The Chamber also gave its 2022 Ambassador of the Year award to local entrepreneur and business owner Vanessa Ross; its 2022 Closer of the Year Award to Niedziejko, Walker and Eric Kuhn of Pillar Real Estate Advisors, LLC; and its 2022 Volunteer of the Year Award to David Graham, a residential mortgage broker.
In his remarks, Moore spoke about the recent separation of Constellation Energy Corp., Exelon’s former power generation and competitive energy business, from Exelon Corp. Now a stand-alone, Constellation Energy – a publicly traded Fortune 200 company – has become the nation’s largest carbon-free energy producer and leading supplier of clean energy solutions to residential, public sector and business customers.
“With regional presence right here, I am proud to say that southern Chester County gets to be a direct part of the clean energy movement, intended to fight global warming and enhance social justice throughout the United States,” Moore said.
In addressing the Chamber’s continued impact on the local
business community,
Moore said that the
economy has emerged
from a two-year pandemic and continues to thrive.
“Over the years, the
region has grown with businesses of every size, and it continues to be one of
the most desirable
places to live and work,” he said. “As the region has grown, so has the Chamber
as well. Our Chamber members comprise nearly all of the business sectors, and
our active members are influential business leaders, professionals with non-profit institutions, legislative leaders and more.”
Moore said that the key objectives of the Chamber in 2022 will be to maintain and grow its member-centered focus and to grow and retain existing membership.
“We need to evolve with the continuing evolution of our business community,” he said. “As technology changes, new business challenges emerge and new types of businesses take root in our service territory, the Chamber will work tirelessly to seek your input, anticipate your needs and adapt our services accordingly.”
Moore credited Chamber President & CEO Cheryl Kuhn and her team for their work during COVID-19, which has included adapting its services, directing support to members, and acting as an interface with public officials in providing critical communication to Chamber members.
“If I had to sum it up, 2022 will not be just a year of focus, but it will also be a year of growth and sustainability,” Moore added. “The board, our committees and I look forward to helping you prosper in the year ahead.”
The Chamber will host its 55th annual Chairman’s Gala on March 19 at Longwood Gardens, where they will extend posthumous Outstanding Citizen of the Year awards to Gail Suzanne Chase, David Gregory Hughes, Dennis C. Melton and Michael R. Moyer.
To contact Staff Writer Richard L. Gaw, email [email protected].