New borough manager in Oxford
10/04/2021 10:45PM ● By Steven HoffmanPauline D. Garcia-Allen has been named as the new borough manager in Oxford.
Borough Council made the appointment official at the council meeting conducted on Monday, Oct. 4.
The appointment comes after an exhaustive search conducted by a search committee. Mary Higgins, a council member and the chairperson of the Search Committee said, “It was important for the Borough to identify and hire the best-qualified candidate, one who can effectively communicate with the many internal and external stakeholder groups within the Oxford region. Pauline is that person.”
Garcia-Allen is a seasoned professional who holds a bachelor of science degree in journalism and media studies. She also has an extensive background in community and economic development, coalition building, program management, grant funding, and communications. “Pauline brings 20 years of professional experience, a diverse background, and existing relationships with various Oxford area stakeholder groups, all of which will serve the Borough well,” according to Peggy Ann Russell, the council president.
Garcia-Allen will begin her tenure with the Borough on Monday, Oct. 25.
“I am excited to begin my tenure with the Borough,” she said. “The borough has a wonderful team in place which includes dedicated volunteers, elected officials, and staff, all of whom are committed to serving the residents and businesses in our community. I am honored to be a part of that team and look forward to contributing to the future successes of the organization, our community, and the region.”
Borough Council expressed its gratitude to the members of the Search Committee, which included Spence Andress (the citizen representative), council member Ron Hershey, council member Mary Higgins, and council president Peggy Ann Russell.