Penn Township supervisors approve three new ordinances
08/16/2021 05:21PM ● By Steven HoffmanAt the Aug. 4 township meeting, the Penn Township Board of Supervisors adopted three new ordinances. The first establishes rules regulating the township parks, including fines. Another establishes rules covering the opening and repair of township roads. And the third ordinance addresses management of on-lot septic systems. Under DEP and county health department standards, septic tanks must be pumped out at least every three years. The septic haulers will report to the township. Fines could be imposed on property owners who do not comply with the regulations.
“From here on out, we have to create a process,” operations manager Karen Versuk said. “It’s a matter of putting all the pieces together.”
The board presented a proclamation to Daniel Giacoia of Boy Scout Troop 30 in recognition of his work at the township sports park for his Eagle Scout project. Giacoia was honored for his volunteerism, leadership, research and construction by creating an outdoor classroom in the E. Kneale Dockstader Environmental Education Area of the park. Part of his work included seating and a blackboard for students and instructors.
Also involved was Eagle candidate Gage Walker, who will be recognized for his work at a later date.
The township will be removing any dangerous trees that are identified at the sports park and the park by the township building. Other species of trees will be planted in their place for biodiversity.
The township has noted damage from off-road vehicles at the park and is looking into additional fencing to protect the entire park and particularly the education center. Township officials hope to have a quote for the cost of such work by the September meeting.
The board voted to spend $2,100 for a ramp with handrail at the Red Rose Inn to make the site handicapped accessible.
“I personally do not believe we should open the Inn to the public without safe access,” supervisor Curtis Mason said.
The supervisors also awarded a contract for $29,178 to renovate the deck, floor and ramp at the park bathroom. The township is saving on costs by doing the demolition of the existing ramp themselves.
Other improvements are being made to township properties this summer, including repairs to the garage door at the township salt shed. The board also voted to replace the township building sign using real stone veneer at a cost of $4,700. Signs will also be erected at the sports park environmental education center acknowledging funding for the project by a grant from the E. Kneale Dockstader Foundation.
The board also approved repairs to cracks in the Woodcrest Road stone bridge wall and coating with hydraulic cement at a cost of $2,600.