The Springlawn Trail
05/20/2021 11:49AM ● By Tricia HoadleyText by Richard L. Gaw
There are certain words – search title cues, really -- that individuals and families look for when considering the idea of visiting a nature trail for the first time.
Usually, it’s a long list that demands of the trail to encompass the full menu of what a modern-day walk in the woods is supposed to offer. Is it dog friendly? Is it kid friendly? Is it good for bird watching, and running, and hiking and mountain bike riding? Is there a water source running through it, and most of all, will it offer the opportunity to lose one’s self in the beautiful and temporary sensation of being swallowed up by nature, if only for a short time?
The Springlawn Trail, a 4.1-mile trek through nature just a few minutes from Landenberg in Elk Township, checks off the entire list. Located just west of Kemblesville and connecting Strickersville Road and Chesterville Road, the trail serves as a welcome mat for nature lovers and adventurers of all levels, from the moms and dads with small children to those who seek the rough terrain of mountain biking.
With an elevation of no more than 200 feet, the Springlawn Trail is a smooth walk or ride past historic stone relics, along the melodious sound of the Big Elk Creek, with the view of forest greenery and swaying meadow grass in the distance. Best of all, the Springlawn Trail offers the changing sweep of seasons, and if you get there soon – either on foot or on a bike, and with family, friends or on your own – you will be given the gift of seeing Summer make its return…and that’s a search title cue that is a most welcome one.