Students display their work at Kennett Square gallery show
05/09/2017 10:36AM ● By Richard Gaw
Students from Cocharanville artist Beth Secor's current art class for children proudly displayed their paintings at the Marketplace in Kennett Square on May 5, as part of the borough's First Friday festivities. The young artists included Chase and Mason Graham, Frances Jansen, Conor Keane, Jacob Matz, Jasmine Rivera, Alivia Tonielli and CeCe, Rachel and Rory Young. To learn more about Secor's classes for young artists, call (484) 643-0601, or visit
Rachel Young, 11, a fifth-grader at Unionville Elementary School, beside her work, “Pega," while Jacob Matz, 11, poses near his entry. [2 Images]
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