Uncle Irvin: Rapid turnover shackles borough
01/26/2016 01:32PM ● By Richard GawBy Uncle Irvin
Any governing body, whether corporate or municipal, loses substantial momentum with very high turnover.
Kennett Square Borough turned over five of seven borough council members as the result of an election and resignations. In addition, the borough has a makeshift township manager and a police chief who is not in good health. The borough also happens to be on a build-out roll that will reshape the town forever.
It would not be good business for a new borough council to march to judgment on projects that will remake the town in the next year until the new council members can be oriented and brought up to speed. Everyone wants to see Kennett Square move forward and prosper, but hasty decisions are just as likely to go bad as good.
It is especially important for council to retain legal, environmental, financial, and real estate consultants, etc. who have no conflicts, and who have a sound list of satisfied clients.
(Uncle Irvin's column is his opinion only, and is not a news story.)