Chester County Spelling Bee champs named
02/10/2015 11:33AM ● By J. Chambless
Chester County Spelling Bee Champion Aakash Narayan from Great Valley Middle School, with second place winner Laura Liu, and third place winner Akhila Yalvigi.
Aakash Narayan nabbed the championship title at the 2015 Chester County Spelling Bee on Feb. 9 by correctly spelling the word novanglian.
During the event, which was held at the Chester County Intermediate Unit's Educational Service Center in Downingtown, 53 students from 53 schools spelled 298 words. As the last student standing on stage, the Great Valley Middle School student has earned a trip for two to Washington, D.C. to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in May.
The second place winner is Laura Liu from Valley Forge Middle School, and the third place winner is Akhila Yalvigi from Avon Grove Charter School.
The top speller also received the Samuel Louis Sugarman award certificate for a 2015 United States Mint Proof Set, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, and a one-year subscription to Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
The whole 2015 Chester County Spelling Bee will be available for viewing at in late February.