Uncle Irvin: Artesian well is our Keystone Pipeline
01/27/2015 10:53AM ● By Richard GawBoiled down, these two issues are about the free enterprise system.
You buy property and then go and get the federal, state, and local approval of regulation.
The hysteria raised by the tree huggers who lobby against the Keystone Pipeline and the equally irrational Save our Water Committee is a joke and a blemish on free enterprise.
The Keystone Pipeline and the Broad Run Well will eventually be approved, probably by a compromise on capacity -- as they should be. Meanwhile, give me a break from ill-informed citizens and fire and brimstone politicians like State Sen. Andrew Dinniman, who is only pandering for votes in a Republican area.
Yes, the Wilkinsons set up this agenda to play out in their favor knowing they will be rewarded. We don't have to necessarily like the way they engineered this public well, but they played by the rules of the game, as far as we know.