Website created to remember minister on the tenth anniversary of his death
05/14/2014 01:43PM ● By AclA website has been created to honor the Rev. Theodore S. Atkinson on the tenth anniversary of his death. The website can be found at
Ted was the pastor of Oxford Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) for 18 years. His positive impact is still being felt in the community. Besides serving as minister at the Oxford Presbyterian Church, he served on the board of Oxford Mainstreet (OMI) and the Jennersville YMCA. The Oxford Arts Alliance has a yearly lecture series in his name that focuses on ethics. A monthly book discussion group that Atkinson created also still meets regularly. Perhaps most importantly, Atkinson led the Oxford Presbyterian Church through the grieving process of losing the building to fire in 1989 as well as the rebuilding of the structure that now sits on 6 Pine Street of Oxford. The website contains many of his saved sermons over the course of 35 years, as well as videos of a pastor appreciation dinner and his memorial service.