Tea Party versus mainstream GOP
05/07/2014 03:23PM ● By AclBy Uncle Irvin
The GOP primary election for the 158th District on May 20 is really a litmus test for the Tea Party. Roger Howard, a Tea Party right-wing conservative, is running against newcomer Cuyler Walker for the Pennsylvania House District seat vacated by Chris Ross.
Walker has yet to announce his platform, but it is fair to say he appears more moderate than Roger Howard. It is well known that the GOP state representative from the 13th District, John Lawrence, is Tea Party masquerading as a Republican. Lawrence is running unopposed in the primary.
Walker has the Chester County Republican Committee endorsement, while Howard is backed by the ultra-conservative Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.
This organization are very well-funded and has a lot of money to spend on candidates. They recently sent a glossy mailer to all registered Republicans in the district a month before the primary. You can bet that more will be coming to GOP mailboxes.
Neither the Chester County Republican Committee nor Cuyler Walker, who is independently wealthy, have spent a dime as of April 25, when this column was written.
As well as being a Tea Party candidate, Howard appears to be well-qualified to be a member, with an impressive business background. With Congressman Joe Pitts an ardent Tea Party follower, it appears the conservative GOP in Chester County is moving farther to the right and away from moderate. Not a good sign.
Nota Bene
This column erroneously appeared on the chestercounty.com website last week before it was published in the Press. The column incorrectly stated that Roger Howard was supported by the Commonwealth Foundation. The Commonwealth Foundation is an issues-only organization and does not support or oppose candidates.