Resident unhappy that 40 cents of every tax dollar went to fund wars
04/23/2014 01:52PM ● By AclLetter to the Editor:
I am unhappy to learn that 40 cents of every one of my 2013 federal tax dollars went to fund current and past wars, according to the Friends Committee on National Legislation the Quaker advocacy group.
We have some critical needs as a country—how to respond to the effects of climate change, how to repair our crumbling bridges and roadways, how to bridge the growing divide between rich and poor. I want to see more of my tax dollars going to these priorities rather than to the Pentagon.
I hope that my U.S. senators, Bob Casey and Patrick Toomey, will work to make this happen in the coming year. They can start by eliminating the more than $100 billion of documented waste, fraud and abuse found in the Pentagon's budget every year. We might disagree about the need to invest in the tools for war, but surely we can agree on the need to spend our tax dollars responsibly.
Lucretia Evans
Kennett Square