KMC boys gymnastics team wins at home
12/12/2013 07:05PM ● By AclThe KMC boys gymnastics team hosted eleven teams with 142 gymnasts at the KMC Boys Invitational on Nov. 24. KMC’s level 10 and level 6 teams won their team competitions. All-around winners for KMC were Devin Trinter and Andrew Overman.
The complete meet results are as follows:
Level 4
In the 6-and-7-year old age group, Spencer Biggs placed fourth in all-around (AA) and pommel horse and placed sixth on floor, third on rings and high bar. Spencer Lewis won first place on vault. Davyn Anderson won second on vault and parallel bars and sixth on high bar.
Sean Salisbury and Daniel Slater competed in the 8 year old age group: Sean placed third in the AA and on high bar. He also placed fifth on floor and pommel horse, fourth on rings and parallel bars. Daniel placed sixth in AA and on rings. He was third on pommel horse and parallel bars, fifth on vault and high bar.
In the 10-and-over age group, Naval Lappalainen placed sixth on floor and fifth on vault.
Level 5
Henry Wagner competed in the 7-and-8-year old age group, placing fifth in all-around and on pommel horse, sixth on floor and fourth on rings, vault, parallel bars and high bar.
For the 9-and-10 year old age group, Nick Dunbar took second in all-around, pommel horse and high bar. Nick also took sixth on floor, fourth on rings and vault and third on parallel bars.
TJ Langdon was the top KMC performer in the 11-and-over age group, taking first on pommel horse, second place in all-around and parallel bars and fourth on rings, vault and high bar. Thomas Casey won vault and placed fifth in all-around and on parallel bars. Thomas also came in second on floor and third on high bar.
Level 6
In the 8-and-9 year old age group, Kyle Walchuk won first on floor, pommel horse, and vault; he took second in AA, rings and high bar and was third on parallel bars. Andrew Overman was tops in the 11 year old age group, taking first in AA, floor, rings, and parallel bars and high bar. Kieran Clark won first place on pommel horse and vault; he was second in all-around, floor, and high bar and placed third on rings and parallel bars. Gunar Daniels received third in all-around, floor, pommel horse, vault, and high bar. He was also second on rings and parallel bars.
Level 8
In the 11-and-over age group, Kieran Murdocca won pommel horse and placed second in all-around and on rings. He also earned third on floor, fifth on vault and fourth on high bar. Collin Cunane won vault and came in fifth in all-around and on rings. He placed sixth on floor and second on parallel bars. Liam Bachman received first place on floor and rings and sixth place in all-around. Liam placed fourth on pommel horse and parallel bars. Jackson Scheck won third on vault.
Level 9
Devin Trinter lead in the 13-and-over age group, winning the all-around as well as pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars and high bar events. Devin was second on floor.
Level 10
In the 15-and-older age group, Matt Bunke was first on parallel bars and second in all-around and on floor. He took third on pommel horse, sixth on rings, fifth on vault, and fourth on high bar. Garrett Enslen placed fourth in the AA and on pommel horse; he was fifth on rings, second on vault, third on parallel bars and sixth on high bar. Valentino Succarotte won vault, placed sixth in all-around and on parallel bars and fifth on floor. Brendan Mcbride was fourth on floor, sixth on pommel horse and fifth on high bar. Paul Giannoukos received second on rings and third on vault. Isaiah Cooper came in fourth on rings.