Bayard Taylor Library to unveil 3D printer
12/04/2013 02:00PM ● By AclThe Bayard Taylor Library in Kennett Square will unveil its new 3D printer, and help author J.E. Byrne celebrate the release of her new young adult novel. “Dead Land,” at a holiday coffeehouse on Dec. 6.
Byrne will read from her book and answer questions, and discuss writing and publishing. Copies will be available for sale and autographing.
The library’s new 3D printer, the first in a Chester County library, will be on display and in action that evening. The printer was donated to Bayard Taylor by a library supporter.
The event will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Visitors can donate an item for the Kennett Food Cupboard for a chance to win an autographed copy of “Dead Land” or an item from the 3D printer. The program is part of the Downtown Kennett Square First Friday Art Stroll.